Viana do Castelo 1 - Meadela

1 - Le territoire

Meadela - Viana do Castelo The parish of Meadela in which this project develops, is situated in the urban expansion zone of the city Viana do Castelo (district capital), with an occupation area of 7,5 km of the 29,7 km total. This parish has a total of 9.782 inhabitants and it’s a heterogeneous population, as consequence of the rupture with the rural way of living, presenting transition features from rural to urban spaces. It is recognized as one of the parish that has a bigger group of children and young from 0 to 24 years of age (2685 individuals - 27% of its total) compared to other parish, which gives a special attention to all social institutions that work in that territory. The rich cultural heritage and associative dynamism is considered one of the most recognizable features. This parish has a modern set of social and educational facilities, which provide good support to all those who have recourse to them, as social cohesion too. With a modern industrial park functioning in its limits, Meadela is close to major road structures, with easy access to major cities like Oporto. Nowadays Meadela integrates a parish association (along with other two), but maintaining its historic and social identity.

2 - La plate-forme


3 - Le processus

4 - Résultats

Phase Étape Réalisé
1 Homogenous groups Groupes homogènes 1
2 Criteria Critères de bien-être 47 Statistiques standard
Indicators Indicateurs de bien-être (3è cycle) 2%
3 Diagnosis Diagnostic général
Indicators diagnosis Diagnostic des indicateurs de bien-être
4 Scenarios Planning et scénarios
5 Codecision Outils pour la codécision et l'engagement
6 Actions Actions et projets 0
7 Coevaluations Co-évaluations d'impact
8 Platform evaluation Auto-évaluation du processus de la plate-forme

5 - Partenariats, échanges et besoins de soutien

6 - Autres informations


Synthèse territoriale Co-Acte - Viana do Castelo 1 - Meadela

7 - Contact

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